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Monday, July 26, 2010

Today's Headline: Notes on news headlines

Today, July 26, 2010, there is no specific headline that glares out a me when I read the morning's news. This then is the end of this blog. And to end it is nothing short of common sense on my part. Why should I write about what other have already headlined, why can't I create my own headline and rave and rant about my own misgivings as a human being. Isn't that what makes up a great portion of the news today?

One story today made me think, and think and think. The man who had the desire to tell his wife he loved her slightly before their plane crashed in a lake. Two days later a message found floating in a water-proof medical bag was found and read. Great guy, great doctor, great message. It was heartwarming and astonishing and thought provoking. First, love in such times is always heartwarming. It is astonishing in its effort to get a message to a world so in need of something other than fear about health care. And it thought provoking that in all there are over a hundred articles relating the news of the found love message.

What does that say about us? It says we are in need of reassessing our ideas of health care. So much of it is in the hands of our Father who created us, and that is what I read between the lines in that note. God is love, and in any way He knows how, he tells us that. In fact, he loves us so much, he probably wants to send us all to the Mayo clinic for an evaluation.

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