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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Today's headline: is knee surgery always necessary?

Is knee surgery always necessary is the question implied by an article from Reuters? Their words: "Most people who have a common knee ligament injury fare just as well with intense physical therapy as they do with surgery, according to a study comparing the two techniques released on Wednesday".

My thoughts: Impatience and a rush to judgment is no way to heal. Time often takes care of much of what we fret and worry over. This problem is not the case of older knees that are deteriorating because of age, but sports injuries where tissues are livelier and are more able to heal themselves, given time, is what the question is all about. The article and the questions raised are interesting.

Apply that thought to many medical problems and maybe the health care industry will be more in line with what responsible medicine was meant to be. Time heals many wounds and it also heals minds that too often want quick fixes when a better option would be less invasive surgery and rest, symptomatic treatment and a belief that given a chance, bodies sometimes heal themselves without invasive surgery or even dangerous drugs.


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