This is a second article about mental illness that is being moved from another blog. It fits in well with Headline hunting. The image is one I hastily sketched to show the desperation of those whose communication system has gone haywire, or how I would imagine desperation would look like if viewed visually.
The following is an article written for Helium only an hour or so ago. It fits in well with how a person's life is distorted by illness, both mentally and physically. to read other articles on the subject of mental health, mine and others, check out Helium.In their search engine write mental illness, or another subject of your choice.
Hallucinations are imaginary sights and sounds while delusions are wrongfully held opinions. Generally, hallucination are thought to be voices heard by mentally ill patients, but in actuality, hallucinations are sights, sounds, beliefs, that have no basis in reality. As usual, when dealing with faculties of the mind, there are a great deal of information as well as a great deal of misinformation.
Hallucinations are false perceptions of the senses. They can occur when there are interruptions of the normal processes of the mind and the nervous system. All senses, taste, sight, smell, hearing, touch can become involved. They may occur irregularly or frequent or they may occur in episodes. They are more often seen in patients suffering from Schizophrenia, and in other mental diseases, yet can occur whenever the chemistry or some other disease entity interrupts the normal working of the body's communication system. It's as if the person has received a false message from the brain signaling a condition not existing.
Actually, however, the message received when hallucinations occur is that something is out of order. It is not uncommon to see mentally ill patients talking back to the voices they hear. The question most people want to know is the voices real? Are they actually hearing the voices or do they only believe they hear the voices? They actually hear the voices because of some malformation of the hearing mechanism due to several different causes.
Proof of that is the ringing in the ears of Meniere sufferers. The sound is there due to a malfunctioning of the auditory system. The same with all other hallucinations. The smell is real to them, although there is no outward sign of cabbage cooking, bread being baked, or a fire causing the smell of smoke. Immune system damages may also cause hallucinations, as well as drugs, alcohol and high fevers and other physiological causes.
The fact of hallucinations being present in mental illness suggests that chemistry, hormonal imbalances and other physiological malfunctioning may be at the root cause of many of the mental illness.That is so because if they can are proven have chemical origins - or other wrong physiological reasons - then why not mental illness in general? Who first thought they were two separate entities? If this is so, then there is no need to further segregate the mind from the rest of the body in treatment. In time, scientific evidence may prove that the policy of treating the mind and the body as two separate conditions is in itself a delusion.
To answer the question as to who first though mind and body illnesses were two separate entities: It was once held that mental illness had demonic connections and those afflicted were possessed. Then that was overruled and a softening approach in treating them was established. Yet the fact remains that no amount of separation of mind and body has yet to deal with the problems of either the mind or the body, good or evil, effectively. Defile the body and the mind suffers, defile the mind and the body suffers.
And delusions, apart from hallucinations, are ideas and thoughts entertained and passes off as truth, are in fact wrongfully held opinions. Delusions in the past are those dealing with delicate situations where to admit their fallacy would be too embarrassing to confront. Therefore much of what is taken for granted as being the truth is delusional, in part or wholly.
To be on the road toward a healthy future, it is necessary that the leaders confront the differences between hallucinations - delusions that have a physical cause for their being, and delusions that are often started as attempts to pervert or to block reality. It is a treacherous journey, the one traveled toward sanity, but it is a worthwhile one, and along the way, if one is sincere in their efforts, better all around help will be the rewards.
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