To get behind in paying bills, having put everything into that dream home and then to find your world crumbling around you, just staying afloat demands tenacity, and a rethinking of priorities. To bounce back will demand all of one's mental faculties. It will not be easy, but with a change of priorities and a determination to get right with the world and not let it defeat you, will take courage. It will also show mental stamina.
Today's headline, rethinking your life after a catastrophe, is all about mental wellness. Yesterday on the news the remark was made that many homeowners now own homes that are only worth half of what their mortgages are worth. That started me to thinking about what were those people thinking when they went in debt that far?How much incentive will they now have for that home when they know they will be paying for it for the rest of their lives?
Money certainly makes a difference in one's life, whether having too little and overspending, having none and living under the poverty line, having too much and becoming calloused to the rest of the suffering world, or whatever, it changes the lives of people. But the people seeing it as nothing more than purchasing power and a necessity and not necessarily something to be coveted far above its value, is those who seem to use it most wisely.
Compounding it with mental illness is not helping the situation. Change lifestyles and budget and get out of debt and decide never again to spend beyond your limits. Yet, what help is out there for those deep in debt? For starters why not see what he blog, Psychcentral has to say. Possibly then can steer you in the right direction.
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