Trapped Chilean miners have been told they may not be rescued for four months. Can you just imagine how much will power to survive this is going to take? Cooped up in a small darkened area with only a small amount of food, no light, and the possibility of all kind so other problems developing because of so many living so closely together. It is mind boggling.
Yet the human spirit when directed toward its own salvation knows no bounds. The question now being asked is how to help. What first comes to mind is prayer. Let's continually seek to pray that hope in huge quantities will find its way into their minds and hearts. And let's pray that each will individually get in touch with the infinite within themselves.
Lord, help each one of them get through this day, August, 26, 2010. Let them know that time is nothing when compared to eternity.
One blogger commenting on the story, compared the miners and their attitude to the WV Sago mine disaster:
"The Lord moves in mysterious ways,” the best friend of one of the miners, and a miner himself, told me outside Sago church, when he heard the news.
I imagine the Chilean miners will have the same faith to help them; combined with the extraordinary toughness of all miners across the world."
The Wall Street Journal writes about their stamina and the way they were so well organized. It is evident that He is already with him. Let us all join our prayers and cease our grumbling about our puny annoyances and petty concerns. When faced with such mammoth problems as these men face, what would we do?
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