It's not enough to keep your new found knowledge on how to deal with mental and physical afflictions to yourself once you've found a way around a specific problem, help others who are likewise struggling.
The problem may be mild, or it may severe, but pass on helpful ways of dealing with it to others who may be in need. We learn by having been through troubling times. It is the way of healing. You will never know the direction kind words and good intentions will take, nor should you. But be aware, words are powerful when used in the right way.
So go ahead, throw a few of them to wind, and let them land where they land. As an example, Say, "I don't know who you are, where you are, but if you are in pain, depressed, feeling as if there is nothing left for you in this world, I want you to know your are important, you have a purpose in life, and you are loved. Get out of your own way and see what you've been missing by knowing it all.
PS. About the image.
I'm running out of my own art doodles. To fill in a space I offer a picture of a favorite place mat that that I purchased at Goodwill Industries for a few cents. I've had it for years. I have no idea what artist created the lovely fabric!It says nice thing to me, and although it's never under my plate while I'm eating, it occupies an important place. It covers the small bedside table near my bed and it holds my cup of water, my rosary, my cell phone, and a few tissues.
What its telling me -- through my imagination and love of silliness -- that if I were smart enough I would also leave a small writing pad and pencil in its care overnight. In that way I might be able to jot down some of the insights that come when I am awake and I get that 'aha, so that's the way it is' inspiration. Usually, I just forget it and it goes on its way.(When I was younger I would sprint out of bed and jot it down, now I don't sprint easily!)
Most us are problem solvers if we would allow ourselves to be. But first we must admit to knowing much to nothing. Our muse, or our interior messaging system might be turned off if we think we know it all.
But since we are subject to error, and our systems are worn down by age, often we truthfully believe something that is not so. This happens in important areas and in areas of no importance. To the internal messaging system real or unreal, truth or lies, its all the same. No censoring is done. That is left to us. At least it is left to us to discover we have a problem in the way we think and in the way we deal with these thoughts.
Expect to not getting it right all the time but don't jump to conclusions. Accept it along with fading eyesight, less noise due to sound systems on the blink, and other natural occurrences that come with aging. Take advantage of the forced resting periods to think and to be thankful and don't waste one minute of it wishing your were better looking, had more energy, more money and could go places. Accept the notion that the Lord has you where he wants you. Right there talking to Him.
And to the young. You will understand us someday.
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