The road to mental health is often bumpy and full of potholes, but with work and dedication attitudes and a determination to get at the cause of illness, will, in the long run show results. As with tangible things, things that can be seen and felt, intangibles like thoughts and ideas, can be made more wholesome with right attitudes and right living.
That is easy to say, but it will take a lifetime to complete. And all own will have to work with is what was alloted to them at birth. That is why early childhood experiences and gentle guiding helps get those first steps on a firm foundation. A child learns by seeing and mimicking what they see their parents do, so parents, in order to get those little one on a firmer foundation, learn how to be good parents.
Love your children and see that they learn there is a God that loves them and then when they are old enough, watch how they begin to start on their journeys. They will be different from yours, but they are necessary. You can help by being understanding and by letting them know how much you love them. Whatever you do, instill into their little minds that life's road is bumpy, but it is all for a purpose.