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Friday, October 29, 2010
Today's Headline: Mental Illness updated
Several days ago, I started another blog, Mental Illness Updated, but no it took me only two or three days to realize that the headlines about mental illness belonged on Headline Hunting. Mental health, basically is about thinking processes, how well one sees and interacts with the world. When trying to segregate it into its own neat little compartment it is not having its due justice. (The opposite image is a bit of art I created myself many years ago. I painted the picture with watercolors and made a fabric frame to match. At the I was entertaining myself by making home made frames.)
Hence forth Headline Hunting will have to do with mental health as well as all other aspects of life, mentally healthy or mentally ill, that have to do with news on subjects that are important enough for me to give them an hour or so of my time. To begin here, I will start all over and in succeeding days all items on Mental Illness Updated will be pasted here. In this way, I don't fear that the topic will be shunned. Who in their right mind will want to taint their mental health with mental illness, and who in their wrong mind will believe they dwell a bit on the topic? But, hopefully, Headline Hunting will not spoof either.
(Day one of Mental Health Update)
This is a new blog and will henceforth be all about what is being studied, written, taking place concerning Mental Illness. It is one facet of health care that cannot remain unclear. All other health care shrinks in comparison. If the mind is not properly working, how can any healing take place:
that is the underlying theme of this blog.
According to TribLive, Lifestyles and writer Matthew Santoni The first inpatient center for diagnosing children with Bipolar illness is being opened at the University of Pittsburg's Western Psych Center. "Pittsburgh is becoming a leader in diagnosing and treating a pediatric disorder that, 30 years ago, psychiatrists didn't think existed in children.
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Western Psychiatric Institute will become home to the nation's first inpatient facility for diagnosing and treating bipolar disorder in children, which doctors gradually are recognizing as a deadly problem.
Research increasingly shows that bipolar disorders -- often taking the form of swings between depression and mania, changing levels of activity and sleep, and appetite disorders -- can manifest in young children and teenagers in worse forms than in adults and lead to higher rates of attempted suicide in young people, said Dr. Rasim Somer Diler, medical director of UPMC's Inpatient Child and Adolescent Bipolar Services, or in-CABS.
"Up until 1978, kids were not actually considered to be capable of depression," Diler said. "Thanks to recent studies, we now know bipolar disorder exists in both adolescents and children."
Up until the last twenty years or so, this was a condition that was thought not to exist. Manic Depression, or Bi-polar illness was thought to have an onset at around the age of twenty or twenty-one.
That idea never made sense to me. What did that child do with their inherited mood discrepencies during elementary school and during high school and adolescence? Hide them under their bed as if they were a boogie man? The potential for the personality is born with the child, how it is developed makes all the difference. And certainly these children should not have to wait until early adulthood to get a diagnosis.
What about school dropouts, sexual promiscuity, run ins with authorities, shouldn't these be considered and taken care of in the formative years.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Today's headline: Google Doodles
Google has everything,It even has a Doodler that delights the eyes as researchers start their online trek toward knowledge. Today's interest shows that Google also has compassion and a love for music. As told by an author writing for the PC magazine, today's slightly different type of doodle honors a beloved musician,Dizzy Gillespie.
As Styleblips tell it, Google has been doodling for a long time.
The reasons they give for the doodles certainly makes sense. "We want them to come to the Google home page and see a doodle and be totally surprised with what they see. And sometimes they might not necessarily know about the event or holiday that we're celebrating, so then that gives them the opportunity to learn something new. (Users can learn about the event by clicking on the Google doodle)"
That is exactly what happens and that is why it so delightful. It reminds researcher of news and events they might otherwise not remember, if they ever new, that is. Thank you Google for all you do for us.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Today's Headline: Saint Mary of the Cross
Saint Mary of the Cross is selected because it is an unlikely one. Seldom do religious headlines make news today, unless it has a negative connotation.
This former teacher, along with five other worthies were declared the most recent saints by the Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, just hours ago. We of the United States were made aware of the news previously, and some most likely were out of bed around three or four Am to watch on EWTN, but most of us had probably forgotten to set our alarm clocks.
I am of the latter. I am not exactly into sainthood as a hobby, but do welcome such good news. We sinners need all the inspiration we can get to get through difficult day when things always seem to go contrary. It is good to be reminded that God's ways are not the ways of the world, and often when we insist on doing His will, we are ridiculed, or thought somewhat crazy, or out of our orbit.
This even by the established church. Saint Mary of the Cross knew that well. She was often at odds with those who tried to shush her, or who wanted to pervert her will to theirs. She persevered and became a role model for the education of the poor student of Southern Australia. Read the headline for yourself and learn more of the story and ....
Another of the six, Brother Andre of Canada makes the list likewise.
This former teacher, along with five other worthies were declared the most recent saints by the Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, just hours ago. We of the United States were made aware of the news previously, and some most likely were out of bed around three or four Am to watch on EWTN, but most of us had probably forgotten to set our alarm clocks.
I am of the latter. I am not exactly into sainthood as a hobby, but do welcome such good news. We sinners need all the inspiration we can get to get through difficult day when things always seem to go contrary. It is good to be reminded that God's ways are not the ways of the world, and often when we insist on doing His will, we are ridiculed, or thought somewhat crazy, or out of our orbit.
This even by the established church. Saint Mary of the Cross knew that well. She was often at odds with those who tried to shush her, or who wanted to pervert her will to theirs. She persevered and became a role model for the education of the poor student of Southern Australia. Read the headline for yourself and learn more of the story and ....
Another of the six, Brother Andre of Canada makes the list likewise.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Today's Headlines: Time stood still for sixty-nine days
God is great and God is Good. And we thank him for the lives of the 33 Chilean miners.
After seventy days of underground living, trapped in dust and dirt and devoid of light, these precious human beings are now safe and are being checked over by a medical team. What else can we say but thanks to the wonderful human capacity and skill, and the love and prayers of their loved ones, and of course, the omnipotent powers of the creator of us all.
I, personally, don't know any of the 33 men, but my heart was with them every minute of the day. All I can now say to them is, the ordeal is over, "go in peace to love and to serve the Lord."
PS. That is the message heard at the end of Mass,(often) in the Catholic Church: "The Mass is ended, go in peace to love and to serve the Lord." The Mass, as way of explanation for those who are unfamiliar with the concept, is a recreation of the crucifixion of Christ. It takes only about an hour to get through the service, but sixty-nine days. Wow. Time stood still for these men.
After seventy days of underground living, trapped in dust and dirt and devoid of light, these precious human beings are now safe and are being checked over by a medical team. What else can we say but thanks to the wonderful human capacity and skill, and the love and prayers of their loved ones, and of course, the omnipotent powers of the creator of us all.
I, personally, don't know any of the 33 men, but my heart was with them every minute of the day. All I can now say to them is, the ordeal is over, "go in peace to love and to serve the Lord."
PS. That is the message heard at the end of Mass,(often) in the Catholic Church: "The Mass is ended, go in peace to love and to serve the Lord." The Mass, as way of explanation for those who are unfamiliar with the concept, is a recreation of the crucifixion of Christ. It takes only about an hour to get through the service, but sixty-nine days. Wow. Time stood still for these men.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Headlines: Today's are as shiny as the sun
Solar energy making a return to White House
The White house is going solar, and this is great news. I was so elated that immediately I began to think of how to turn that headline into something worthy to blog about. Then it dawned: The fascination with headlines, those first key words that alert one to what is contained within the article, or blog, or news report might be all that is needed.
Ideas on how to deal with the enormous amount of one liners juggled for first place as I cut and pasted headlines and URLs for future consideration. You see, I love headlines. I always have, but now more than ever. They are usually all I can read without a magnifying glass, and I look to them to tell me what is going on in the world.
Therefore, this morning I decided to read only headlines. Together they tell a delightful story. This is only the beginning. Below are the collection of headlines as they now stand. As time permits, I will add and subtract from this list as more is learned about this topic.
As a writer, and a Twitter tweeter, I want to survey the topics carefully. Questions I will ask are: Who wrote the best headline? Which one is the most original, and so one. But first of all I want to thank The Washington Post for starting the sun shining for me this morning. Theirs was the first offering on the subject of solar by Google. Others were as follows:
Solar cells for electricity, hot water to top White House
White House to Go Solar in 'Clean Energy' Push
Solar Energy Returns To The White House
Yes He Will! 50,000 “Solar on the White House” Petition Signatures Help Reach Solar Milestone
Solar trip influences decision
White House says yes to panels, coming on heels of meeting with Unity students
Solar PV System to Find a Prominent Place in the Sun: On the White House
Here comes the sun: White House to go solar
White House to go green, to get solar panels
White House to go green, to get solar panels
White House Agrees to Install Solar Panels
White House Will Get New Solar Panels
Obama Going to Bat for Solar
Here comes the sun: White House to go solar
US Commander-in-Chief Orders Solar Panels for White House
White House Goes Green : Solar Panels to be Installed
Obama to put solar panels back on White House roof, echoing Jimmy Carter in
GSA, Energy going alternative to run its buildings
Solar panels to be installed on roof of White House residence
White House to go green with solar panels
Unity College Solar Panel At The White House
The White House is going green
White House is going solar, again
Style Over Substance
Changing from White House to green house
West Wing Report, Oct. 6, 2010
Obama Administration to Install Solar Panels on White House
Solar Panels To Be Installed on The White House
Obama's White House solar panel stumble
Sunny outlook for solar power
The White House Goes Solar
Solar panels to be installed at White House
Solar on the White House: Thanks and Solar Marketing Lessons Learned
Obama Gives the Nod: White House Going Solar
White House Going Green with Solar Panels
White House solar panels bring Jimmy Carter comparisons
Barack Obama to install solar panels atop White House
White House Installing Solar Panels After All
White House says yes to solar panels, no to Sungevity's offer
Generation and savings, by the numbers
Solar Panels: Symbol of a One-Term Presidency?
Obama Follows In Carter's Footsteps, White House To Go Solar
Hello, Sunshine: The White House Takes a Walk on the Solar Side
White House set to nail up solar panelsWhite House to add solar panels post-climate change road show
The White House is Going Green: Solar Panels to be Installed in 2011
White House Adding Solar Panels And Solar Hot Water In Spring 2011
Obamas to welcome, encourage solar power
White House to Get Solar Panels Above Obamas' Living Quarters
White House Solar Panels Make a Comeback
Solar Energy To Power White House Again
White House to utilize solar energy
Solar panels to return to White House roof after 31 years
The White House goes "green"
How To Play The White House
Take climate change more seriously
Obama gives green light to White House solar panels
The Real History of Solar at the White House
The Solar White House: Who Gets the Business?
The White house is going solar, and this is great news. I was so elated that immediately I began to think of how to turn that headline into something worthy to blog about. Then it dawned: The fascination with headlines, those first key words that alert one to what is contained within the article, or blog, or news report might be all that is needed.
Ideas on how to deal with the enormous amount of one liners juggled for first place as I cut and pasted headlines and URLs for future consideration. You see, I love headlines. I always have, but now more than ever. They are usually all I can read without a magnifying glass, and I look to them to tell me what is going on in the world.
Therefore, this morning I decided to read only headlines. Together they tell a delightful story. This is only the beginning. Below are the collection of headlines as they now stand. As time permits, I will add and subtract from this list as more is learned about this topic.
As a writer, and a Twitter tweeter, I want to survey the topics carefully. Questions I will ask are: Who wrote the best headline? Which one is the most original, and so one. But first of all I want to thank The Washington Post for starting the sun shining for me this morning. Theirs was the first offering on the subject of solar by Google. Others were as follows:
Solar cells for electricity, hot water to top White House
White House to Go Solar in 'Clean Energy' Push
Solar Energy Returns To The White House
Yes He Will! 50,000 “Solar on the White House” Petition Signatures Help Reach Solar Milestone
Solar trip influences decision
White House says yes to panels, coming on heels of meeting with Unity students
Solar PV System to Find a Prominent Place in the Sun: On the White House
Here comes the sun: White House to go solar
White House to go green, to get solar panels
White House to go green, to get solar panels
White House Agrees to Install Solar Panels
White House Will Get New Solar Panels
Obama Going to Bat for Solar
Here comes the sun: White House to go solar
US Commander-in-Chief Orders Solar Panels for White House
White House Goes Green : Solar Panels to be Installed
Obama to put solar panels back on White House roof, echoing Jimmy Carter in
GSA, Energy going alternative to run its buildings
Solar panels to be installed on roof of White House residence
White House to go green with solar panels
Unity College Solar Panel At The White House
The White House is going green
White House is going solar, again
Style Over Substance
Changing from White House to green house
West Wing Report, Oct. 6, 2010
Obama Administration to Install Solar Panels on White House
Solar Panels To Be Installed on The White House
Obama's White House solar panel stumble
Sunny outlook for solar power
The White House Goes Solar
Solar panels to be installed at White House
Solar on the White House: Thanks and Solar Marketing Lessons Learned
Obama Gives the Nod: White House Going Solar
White House Going Green with Solar Panels
White House solar panels bring Jimmy Carter comparisons
Barack Obama to install solar panels atop White House
White House Installing Solar Panels After All
White House says yes to solar panels, no to Sungevity's offer
Generation and savings, by the numbers
Solar Panels: Symbol of a One-Term Presidency?
Obama Follows In Carter's Footsteps, White House To Go Solar
Hello, Sunshine: The White House Takes a Walk on the Solar Side
White House set to nail up solar panelsWhite House to add solar panels post-climate change road show
The White House is Going Green: Solar Panels to be Installed in 2011
White House Adding Solar Panels And Solar Hot Water In Spring 2011
Obamas to welcome, encourage solar power
White House to Get Solar Panels Above Obamas' Living Quarters
White House Solar Panels Make a Comeback
Solar Energy To Power White House Again
White House to utilize solar energy
Solar panels to return to White House roof after 31 years
The White House goes "green"
How To Play The White House
Take climate change more seriously
Obama gives green light to White House solar panels
The Real History of Solar at the White House
The Solar White House: Who Gets the Business?
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