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Monday, September 20, 2010

How to improve your self-esteem

How to improve your self-esteem, demands a knowledge of yourself.You must know your good and your bad habits, understand the way you think, and attempt to right the wrong ways of doing and thinking. This is a big job, and is not something we fully accomplish, but it is a worthy goal.

Self esteem is not thinking how great we are, how would we ever know that, given that we are to know only ourselves, but honoring the Creator's investment in us. We were born with a certain set of blueprints and possibilities and it is our job to use our gifts to further His cause. Armed with that knowledge, we appreciate whatever advancements we make while on this life journey.

We actually don't have to spend a great deal of time worrying over how we feel, what we think, we are simply aware of better times and better efforts on the times when we may need a boost. We just do the best job we know how to do at any undertaking. When we fall short of our expectations, and when we don't measure up to goals others have set for us, we reason with ourselves, that we can't please everyone, and had they been us, they would have done what we have done.

Admittedly, this often is painful, but it is a lesson in itself. It teaches us something, and whenever that happens, it cannot have been all wrong. Why then bother thinking, and writing, about self esteem if it is to be regarded so loosely? Precisely to get a better view of life and its ups and its downs, its failures and it joys, is the answer to that question.

Looking around at the drug culture tells us one thing, the world is a painful place. Far too many reach for a pill to turn off the pain of living in a world where all too often failure meets us at the ending of our day. That is not an answer, it is taking the easy way out. It is settling for the moment and disregarding the future. It is not strength, but weakness that won't let us deal with psychic pain by living, thinking and learning through it.

Those with genuine self esteem, know that in order to enjoy life, there must be a balance. And what is the opposite of joy? It is sadness. Learn how, even in sadness, to keep a good sense of self, and don't blame self uselessly. That, essentially is what self-esteem is. It is knowing that what you do matters to someone, somewhere. Accepting your share of the darkness that must be waded through, just might shed a little light on a dark spot elsewhere.

To read my news story at Helium.Com about How to improve self-esteem,

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